Sunday Services

This Sunday:  In-person and Zoom Service.

Sunday March 30, 2025 at  10:00 a.m.

Download bulletin for Bulletin Fourth Sunday with hymns 30th March 2025.

Join via zoom by using this link. (Link is the same each week).

Communion vesselsAbout Sunday Services

Sunday morning service are held each week at 10:00 a.m. Details and links pertaining to the coming Sunday, may be found on this page, above. We’d encourage you to check back regularly or subscribe to our newsletters to get the latest updates and links, as circumstances during the pandemic have led to some changes in regular plans.

Each Sunday, the Word is preached and the Eucharist is celebrated with liturgy and song. Currently this service is offered in-person as well as through an online format via Zoom.

The Prelude signifies the start of the service. Attendees are muted during the service. An opportunity for conversation follows the service.

If you know of anyone who would like to worship with us, but has questions or needs assistance, please have them contact the church office.